Kunskapsskolan International School Uniform
Kunskapsskolan International believes a safe and disciplined learning environment is the first requirement of a high performing School. The implementation of school uniforms will help minimize disruptive behaviour, promote respect for oneself and others, build school/community spirit and more significantly, help to maintain high academic standards. The School also feels that uniforms will help lessen the impact of socioeconomic differences. In addition, it allows for identification of intruders on campus and encourages students to concentrate on learning rather than on their appearance.
Royal Uniform
A-104B, First Floor, Unitech Arcadia Market
1&2 Block C, South City 2,
Gurgaon -122018
Phone No: 8508568085
For any online orders-related queries: 9717230800
For any grievance: 8587852225
Email: info.royaluniform@gmail.com
Timings: 10:00am to 07:00pm (Mon, Wed to Sat)
Sunday half day (01:00pm to 07:00pm) & Tuesday closed

(+91) 9205502957
Kunskapsskolan Campuses